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Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Garden Tour – In Pictures…


In my previous post, I mentioned that I was becoming a stranger to my own garden. I decided that it was a good time to spend strolling around the garden. I noticed some subtle changes to my garden since I left for Johor late December last year. I decided to share my ‘findings’ in this blog posting. There’ll be less talking, and more pictures. After all, a picture equals a thousand words right? Haha…

DSCN0749Here’s my dog, Dicky. In case you’re wondering, I decided to post my doggy’s photo because he’s the only ‘farm animal’ here.

DSCN0755 DSCN0763
My mom’s a pretty good gardener. It wasn’t too long ago that these potted aloe veras were still soft and tiny. Now, they’re huge and prickly.

DSCN0719 Close up view of the potted aloe veras.

DSCN0759Here is all that remains of my longan tree. Further proof of my brother’s doing. I heard he’s learning how to use a chainsaw now…


My mom’s mini herb garden. Creative use of polystyrene crates and a twist of green magic (or should I say ‘green fingers’) is all that’s needed.

DSCN0696 Here’s my mom’s early attempt at planting herbs in the garden. Not very successful, as Dicky occasionally squashes the plants. At the right of the picture is my brother Leonard's terrarium; home to three turtles (one of them just died last December :-( …..)


Herb patch and terrarium, viewed from another angle.


That’s just about all I’d like to share for now. In Part 2, I will showcase some of plants that can be found in my garden. Please return for updates soon. :-)



Coconut…Still There…

I could hardly believe it.

I had been home for about a week, and I just realized…that my coconut tree was still standing.


So what is all the fuss about then?

It’s like this actually. I arrived home from the airport on a very hot Wednesday afternoon, after being away from home for about four months, realizing that I lost two rambutan trees and a guava tree to my notorious brother (he loves chopping down trees by the way).

Needless to say, the front porch of the house was unusually bright and sunny when it was usually well shaded by the green leafy canopies that used to cover the front portion of the garden.

It took me more than a whole week to realize that the coconut tree was still standing! Oh my goodness, what on earth happened to my keen sense of observation? It must have been the heat. I had probably been staying indoors for too long.

Hmm…it’s probably high time I mowed the lawn, and got a better view of the garden anyway.



Friday, May 8, 2009

Home Sweet Home

That’s it! I’m back home, and as I’m writing this, I’m enjoying my mug of hot milk. I had never eaten so much in so long, and just to think of it, I have all the time in the world to do whatever I wanted to do, and that includes putting on a kilo or two. I guess I’ll be looking a little more plump by the time I have my graduation portrait taken!

So am I feeling relaxed? A definite yes, after months of toiling and working like a donkey! Am I happy? Not quite. Why? I’M BORED!!!!

If you wondering what this photo is all about, then I have succeeded in drawing your attention, and wasting 5 seconds of your ‘precious’ life! I got bored, so I decided to put up a peculiar photo here…

Holiday Resort Syndrome

In case you’re wondering, I came up with the above-mentioned term, so it wasn’t coined by any doctor. Just come to think of it, insanity is a by-product of immobility! Two days have gone by and I have done nothing productive, save for the moments I glanced at my calendar. Instead of torturing myself mentally, I have decided to take a week off relaxing and chilling out with close friends. Speaking about chilling out with friends, the weather in Kuching has been unbearably hot, and I often find myself dragging my feet in the sweltering heat of the day. I can hardly disagree with Lee Kuan Yew that one of man’s greatest achievements is the invention of the air-conditioner. Air-cond is king! After all, imagine me turning on both my computers (computer’s produce heat….duhhh) in my bedroom on an especially humid day. That is tantamount to suicide…


DSCN6970This is how my bed office looks like. I work here from 9 to 5, daily…


My To-do List

Time is short. Life is short. Boredom is eternal. Here’s a list of some stuff to be done this long holiday season:

  1. Get married to a part-time job.
  2. Get my business rolling.
  3. Set up my home network and get 3 of my computers connected to the internet (this will turn my home into an oven…computers are hot!!)
  4. Tour around Kuching, and pretend to be a tourist from KL or Singapore.


Ah…my beloved kampung….

Hmmm…or did I mention blogging? I guess I’ll be spending more time writing about my hometown. Do check back for more info. ;-)

